Payment Methods
Bitcoin is an Crypto Currency (Digital Currency). It is an open source peer to peer payment system. Bitcoin is most safe, secure and anonymous payment method. If you do not know about Bitcoins Contact Us for assistance.
After placing your order online (selecting Bitcoin as payment method), we will provide our Bitcoin payment information at the order complete stage of the order process and in an email.
MoneyGram is another money transfer company like Western Union. MoneyGram is as well convenient, safe and fast as western union but the plus point of MoneyGram is that its fee is less than Western Union. There are 2 ways to pay through Money Gram listed below with details.
(Please Note: 1- Using your credit card may result in a cash-advance fee imposed by the card issuer.)
Sent money from a money gram branch
Find your local MoneyGram office and fill out the money order form. You can send money from a branch in these ways: via cash, with a credit or with a debit card. Using your credit card may result in a cash-advance fee imposed by the card issuer.
Find your local Western Union office and fill out the necessary forms. You can send money from a branch in several ways: via cash, with a credit or debit card, or from bank account to bank account. Using your credit card may result in a cash-advance fee imposed by the card issuer.
Sent money over your phone(using your debit card)
Call the Western Union toll-free number (+1(510)469-0121), which can also be found on the website. Provide the agent with the necessary recipient information, and pay with a credit or debit card.
Zelle or Zelle Pay is a fast and secure money transfer system within bank within minutes which only requires just your email or phone number. It is fast, reliable, safe and secure and unlike the traditional banking system which takes days it moves money from bank to bank in almost an instant or within seconds.
Apple Pay gives your customers an easy, secure, and private way to pay in stores
is the easiest way to send, spend, save, and invest your money. It’s the SAFE, FAST, and FREE mobile banking app. SAFE: Protect all of your payments and investments with a passcode. Pause spending on your Cash Card with one tap if you misplace it. All of your information is stored securely.
How-To: Send money with Interac e–Transfer · Account with a participating bank or credit union · Active email address or mobile phone number.